

I have known Equi­tyFD, Equi­tyFC and Equi­ty Inter­im for over 15 years, rely­ing on their sup­port on count­less occa­sions. I recent­ly worked with Jo Wil­son to source a new senior inter­im resource for my team. I had very spe­cif­ic require­ments but Jo moved swift­ly and dili­gent­ly to source some great can­di­dates. There was heavy com­pe­ti­tion for these can­di­dates but Jo helped secure the final can­di­date ahead of oth­er offers. This is the rea­son I rely on this team.

Javier Brage, CFO, Mavenoid
Inclusive employers

I have known Joan­na for many years and worked with her again to source the new CFO for the pri­vate equi­ty backed con­sul­tan­cy where I am Chair. Joan­na went at the assign­ment with the pas­sion and vigour I would have expect­ed. She was par­tic­u­lar­ly sen­si­tive to ensur­ing that not only were the skill sets spot on, but that the can­di­dates pre­sent­ed tru­ly bought in to the busi­ness’ mis­sion and val­ues. This result­ed in a great hire! 

John Zafar, Chair, Inclusive Employers

My rela­tion­ship with Equi­tyFC and Equi­tyFD goes back many years and I nat­u­ral­ly turned to them when I required a key sup­port to me in the hire of a new Group FC.

Jo Wil­son was an intel­li­gent and tena­cious part­ner on this search , work­ing on our behalf in the mar­ket to deliv­er a high qual­i­ty short­list result­ing in a first class hire to the team.

John Thompson, CFO, Telecom Infrastructure Partners

FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

Please direct any enquiries to swm-team@btguk.com